To follow something (physically) you need to be able to see it. If we can't see where it is going, we don't know where to go. Jesus mentions the importance of watching (John 5:19). The son watches his dad and then knows what to do. The father sets the path for the son to follow.
It's the same with us. Faith is a mental thing; there's no visual confirmation. But, following can be done by seeing (reading) God's directions. But we can see non-physically using the eyes of our heart (Eph 1:18). Paul says the things we can see (or become enlightened to) are:
--His calling
--The riches and glory of our inheritance
--His power
So, to follow, we must have our eyes on what we are following. We can use our eyeballs and follow His words, or use the eyes of our hearts and follow the Holy Spirit's leading.